How are you, really?

It's a tough time. We are going through a series of emergencies that may reshape our beliefs and relationships with spaces. We have also never been closer to times of crisis collectively felt around the world. What do these situations reflect about our mental health?

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A book on what mental health means to our communities and ourselves.

"I wish I knew it was ok to not have the answers."

It's a learning journey for all of us. What did you wish you knew about your mental health and wellness?

white: behind mental health stigma


We bring together insights from individuals and communities to explore public narratives and share collective frameworks to unpack our current understanding of mental health.



Language reflects and solidifies stigma. We look into how it shapes our internalised views of mental health and illness, and how it colours the way we see, think, and behave.



Our mental health is not just a product of our brain and psychological state, but is influenced by culture, built with identities, and inherits from generational experiences. It affects who we are with ourselves and others.



What does it mean to listen? How can we hold space for others without judging or projecting? We explore the active work involved in creating safe spaces, and how it first engages the self.


resource library


An expanding list of materials gathered by @thewhitebooksg. Also featuring community groups that focus on promoting safe spaces for people in search of affirmative environments and holistic support.